Tips for choosing foods eat for good health

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Tips for choosing foods to eat for good health.

Choosing to eat healthy food will make your body strong and have a good effect in the future. On the contrary, if you choose to eat as you please, you may be at risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other diseases.

1. Choose a variety of vegetables. Choose safe vegetables and wash them thoroughly before eating.

2. Cooking methods should include steaming, mixing, baking, blanching, boiling, stewing. Try to reduce or avoid cooking using coconut milk or oil, that is, not stir-frying, not deep-frying, and not greasy.

3. You should reduce cooking with strong flavors to avoid sweetness, fat, and saltiness.

4. The amount you should eat is one meal, one plate or one bowl.

5. You should eat 1-2 servings of fruit as a snack per day, choosing fruits that are not too sweet.

6. You should drink milk, such as skim milk or fat-free milk, low-fat and skim yogurt with a natural flavor, or calcium-fortified soy milk without sugar.

7. You should choose to eat a variety of foods.

Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods, including fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean protein can help support your overall health.

Many foods are both healthy and tasty. ufabet By filling your plate with fruits, vegetables, quality protein sources, and other whole foods, you’ll have meals that are colorful, versatile, and good for you.

Other healthy fruits

Other healthy fruits and berries include cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mangoes, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and raspberries.