How can we prevent numbness?

1. Choose to eat unpolished grains such as brown rice, riceberry, Job’s tears, millet, and various sesame seeds regularly to get vitamin B1 regularly.
2. Choose to eat meat as a regular meal, but focus on choosing foods that are not too high in fat. Cut off the fat or skin before cooking to get enough vitamin B12.
3. For problems with the muscular and nervous systems, a complete exercise plan. Should developed regularly and a physical therapist or sports scientist may be consulted if appropriate exercise advice is need
Causes of numbness due to vitamin B1 deficiency
Lack of consumption of certain types of grains. Especially ยูฟ่าเบท unpolished grains such as brown rice, riceberry, various beans, Job’s tears, and corn. Because vitamin B1 is found in the seed coat. Which is lost after the seeds are polished to become white rice or white flour products.
Consuming foods that interfere with the absorption of vitamin B1, such as certain plants such as betel leaves, betel nuts, drinking tea, fermented fish, raw sour pork, raw fermented fish, raw shellfish, and undercooked eggs.
The body’s needs are temporarily increased due to physiological changes, such as pregnant and lactating women, children in their growing years, people. Who do more physical labor than normal, athletes, people with chronic illnesses for a long time, and people with hyperthyroidism.
Certain medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal surgery, dialysis patients, chronic alcoholics, and genetic disorders that alter vitamin B1 metabolism.
Causes of numbness due to vitamin B12 deficiency
There is a problem in the stomach that makes a substance that helps absorb vitamin B12, making this vitamin unavailable for absorption, including people. Who have had surgery on the distal part of the small intestine. The area where vitamin B12 is absorb.
Strict vegetarians who do not drink milk, eat fish or eggs, as vitamin B12 found in meat products.
If there are other abnormal symptoms, what should I do?
The group with severe abnormalities, such as those with peripheral nerve damage from certain diseases, such as diabetes, any disease that causes abnormalities in the central nervous system, such as the brain or spinal cord, can also cause numbness. If numbness occurs along with other abnormalities and the symptoms last for a long time or are so severe that you cannot live your normal daily life, you should consult a doctor for a detailed physical examination and should not decide to buy medicine or dietary supplements to take on your own.